An ecotone is a region resulting from the contact between two or more border biomes, with the largest ecotone in Brazil being the Cerrado-Amazon (4.85% of the Brazilian territory IBAMA 2003).
Ecotones are rich in species, whether they come from the biomes that form it or unique species (endemic) that arise in it.
O que torna a nossa região muito especial é que estamos em uma área de transição entre 3 BIOMAS – Cerrado, Pantanal e Amazônia.
In our region, summer happens in the dry, dry months. Usually from June to October. In summer the days are very hot and the nights are cooler. Due to the lack of rain, the rivers are lower, forming natural beaches that are very popular with the residents of the region.
In our region, winter happens in the rainy months, usually from November to May. The days are hot and humid. the rivers rise, the beaches remain for most of the time, but disappear at the peak of the rains – December to February.